Hello dear friends.
Welcome to Foundation Hall University. This is a very unique space where in a spiritual atmosphere, we study guidance, learn, listen, consult, heal, and build relationships and capacity to serve. Unlike many spaces, this space favors the pupil of the eye (people of African descent) who while having been entrusted with a noble station, still require healing from receiving for so long, "such grievous and slow healing wounds" stemming from the attitudes of ignorance and white supremacy that are woven into our country's fiber, institutions, and have contaminated so many hearts and minds. This BRIDGE space (bringing together both black and white daily) continues the goals of the POTE movement that began in 2019 in Nashville to help us understand, accept, and arise to our station of nobility.
If you really want to understand the POTE movement and what this space and other POTE-led spaces have done to nurture and encourage the pupil of the eye over the past two years, please listen to the following podcasts on Bahai.chat where many of us share our stories of healing and service. It was recorded in July 2021 after our 3rd Arise Conference.
3-Part Series Hosted by Barbara Talley and Steve Sarowitz)
Part 1: https://youtu.be/IH3IG5Q0YKM (Music by indieb)
(Willis Burris, Sue St. Clair, Gwen Etter-Lewis, Martine Hubbard, Derik Smith, and Angela Murray)
Part 2: https://youtu.be/91_gRo9lLtI
(Volari Taqi Morgan, Carol McGrath, Beverly Freeman, Carol Mansour, Carmen Brown, Clyde Herring, Rabi Musa, Cynthia Phillips, and Aura Denise Ragston)
Part 3: https://youtu.be/7eUIRPojJ2g
(Hoda Hosseini, Christian Hansen, Agnes Ivory, Kimberly Taillon,
Steve Sarowitz, Tony Hollinger, Karen Anderson, and Ladjamaya Green)
This is Barbara Talley; I am the developer of this site, the "architect" of Foundation Hall University (FHU), and the visionary of the first ARISE pupil of the eye conference held in Nashville in November 2019., the ARISE 2020, 2021, and 2022 Virtual Conferences. You can view the ARISE5 2023- In-Person Live conference highlights at https://tinyurl.com/ARISE5DETAILS
The Nashville conference has been described by James and others who attended it as a "sea change" and he graciously invited me into the virtual prayer call space that had been going on for eleven years (now 12), 365 days a year. Those eleven years of prayer have created a fertile ground for building a virtual meeting space that is now focusing on the elimination of racism, building community and elevating the station of black people designated as pupil of the eye. You can click on the 2021 schedule to see what we're studying and if you wish to join us, complete the invitation on the Welcome page to receive information on how to dial into the daily conversation.
Inspired by the conference and anxious about the urgent need to focus on the "most VITAL and challenging issue" and moved by Sadie Oglesby's twenty days with the Guardian back in 1927, the organizers in consultation with the participants agreed to allow me to transform the space into a virtual university focused primarily on restoring dignity to people of African descent. It has evolved into a space where after daily prayer, we study, reflect, grow together. and keep the conversation focused on eliminating racial prejudice.
While it was primarily created as a virtual physical space to coordinate efforts for our daily conference call reflections, it clearly has applicability for any group that wishes to use the space to find pertinent documents, access the daily schedule, to join us, or become part of the expanding nucleus of race unity activists who choose to build their own tribes locally and use these resources without duplicating the effort.
"It [Freedom from racial prejudice] should be consistently demonstrated in every phase of their activity and life, whether in the Bahá’í community or outside it, in public or in private, formally as well as informally, individually as well as in their official capacity as organized groups, committees and Assemblies. It should be deliberately cultivated through the various and everyday opportunities, no matter how insignificant, that present themselves, whether in their homes, their business offices, their schools and colleges, their social parties and recreation grounds, their Bahá’í meetings, conferences, conventions, summer schools and Assemblies. It should, above all else, become the keynote of the policy of that august body which, in its capacity as the national representative, and the director and coordinator of the affairs of the community, must set the example, and facilitate the application of such a vital principle to the lives and activities of those whose interests it safeguards and represents."
In April of 2021, after a break for the FAST and a two week Reflection Gathering and a written survey, we moved into Phase III which began with a several month study on the Ridvan Message, November 25, 2020 letter, and the annual report during our transitions schedule.
2021-2022 Schedule is as follows:
Monday- Sharing
Tuesday- Abdul-Baha
Wednesday- NSA Call to Action
Thursday- UHJ Packet Study
Friday- POTE focused study
There have been many changes implemented during Phase 3,
but these are the highlights.
The format of how we we gathered however is entering its 5th change.
The last two weeks of March, we began having a virtual Reflection Gathering after many hours of consultation in our virtual conference call consultation space on how to restructure phase two of our consultation space.
After two weeks of virtual consultation spanning many hours, along with data compiled from a Reflection Questionnaire sent to those who were participating, we came up with a new schedule for Phase II beginning April 2020. Forty-five of a possible 50 at the time completed the questionnaire. Now we have a whole new structure that is more focused and yet offers more flexibility.
While the focus is always about the elimination of prejudice, the formats have changed several times since we began in December 2019.
When we first started our dialogues, there were a lot of hurt feelings, disinterest in the new focus on the most vital and challenging issue, habits of consultation that were not necessarily inclusive, and anger that the space was changing. So we made many changes during those first few months.
In April 2021, we had another Reflection Gathering, to consult, and make the changes necessary for our spiritual, emotional, intellectual and numerical growth.
Dear Friends. We have just completed the first phase of our Foundation Hall Virtual Spiritual Experiment where we transformed a space that had been ongoing for eleven years praying and building community to one that is focused on education that will eliminate prejudice and contribute to the building of the Divine civilization Baha'u'llah envisioned where peace and harmony would prevail.
During Phase One, we:
This past year (2020) was an intense year of study at FHU. Many individual initiatives spun off from FHU participants. COVID19 happened and our numbers grew immensely. Over 800 people have registered on the site to pray, study, and use the resources provided here in the website launched April 2020.
Since December 2019, we have entertained 4 different formats for consultation. For the past year: Format 4: Four JOINT Days, two POTE days, and one SOTE day.
Now during our reflection, we will reexamine the pros and cons of this structure.
We studied the following, which have become the base curriculum for FHU:
In addition, we:
On Mondays, we seek to accomplish
several things:
"When the holy souls, through the angelic power, will arise to show forth these celestial characteristics, establishing a band of harmony, each of these souls shall be regarded as one thousand persons and the waves of this greatest ocean shall be considered as the army of the hosts of the Supreme Concourse." (Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 401)
Mental Tests to be Suffered by
Believers in the West
"And yet, how often we seem to forget the clear and repeated warning of our beloved Master, who in particular during the concluding years of His Mission on earth, laid stress on the severe mental tests that would inevitably sweep over His loved ones of the West... tests that would purge, purify and prepare them for their noble mission in life.
"Ours then is the duty and privilege to labour, by day, by night, amidst the storm and stress of these troublous days, that we may quicken the zeal of our fellow-man, rekindle their hopes, stimulate their interests, open their eyes to the true Faith of God and enlist their active support in the carrying out of our common task for the peace and regeneration of the world."
(From a letter written by Shoghi Effendi to the believers in Australia and New Zealand, 1923-1957, pp. 1-2)
On Tuesdays, after a welcome from Carmen Brown, we will discuss Abdul-Baha's journey, teachings, and lessons during his 239 days he spent in America. If new people have joined, James will spend some time at the end of the study getting to know them.
We are choosing to study his life based on the survey results:
Sixty-seven people responded to this question on the survey when asked the question: "Are you interested in studying the Life of Abdul-Baha for the next year?"
82%, or 55 people responded, "Yes."
16.4% or 11, responded with, "Maybe."
1.5% or 1 persons responded with, "No."
The full account of his journey is in the book "Promulgation of Universal Peace"
Other stories are in 'Portals to Freedom" by Howard Colby Ives
We will however begin study from a wonderful daily source on the web that has compiled a journalistic perspective of his stories. You can access it at the link below:
On Wednesdays, we will begin studying the recent attachment sent to us in the April 7, 2021 Feast letter to America.
The document is 60 pages long and entitled, " Pilot Project_ The Elimination of Racial Prejudice and the Community Building Process-" This is an excerpt:
"Our team was asked to create this report by the National Spiritual Assembly, and we have endeavored to prepare it with the utmost humility. We have attempted to share, openly and honestly, what we learned from the participant responses and what we observed working with the communities. This report contains many stories and concrete examples, and it might be tempting to go directly to that section. However, we urge you to read the entire summary first, as it provides necessary context and framing.
In brief, it is important to understand that
• the report presents only a sampling of examples from a diverse group of project participants in the three pilot communities
• their examples represent their own experiences but not necessarily those of their entire community
• as you read what participants are learning, in many cases you will see that they describe effort, growth, and progress as well as the need to continue building capacity.
Thursdays will remain the same. We will continue studying the Guidance from our Universal House of Justice. We have over 11 new documents already that we have not studied added since February 2021. We are also aware that we will be getting a 1 Year Plan and will make study of that Guidance priority over all other study when received.
"As to racial prejudice, the corrosion of which, for well-nigh a century, has bitten into the fiber, and attacked the whole social structure of American society, it should be regarded as constituting the most vital and challenging issue confronting the Bahá’í community at the present stage of its evolution.
The ceaseless exertions which this issue of paramount importance calls for, the sacrifices it must impose, the care and vigilance it demands, the moral courage and fortitude it requires, the tact and sympathy it necessitates, invest this problem, which the American believers are still far from having satisfactorily resolved, with an urgency and importance that cannot be overestimated.
White and Negro, high and low, young and old, whether newly converted to the Faith or not, all who stand identified with it must participate in, and lend their assistance, each according to his or her capacity, experience, and opportunities, to the common task of fulfilling the instructions, realizing the hopes, and following the example, of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
Whether colored or noncolored, neither race has the right, or can conscientiously claim, to be regarded as absolved from such an obligation, as having realized such hopes, or having faithfully followed such an example.
A long and thorny road, beset with pitfalls, still remains untraveled, both by the white and the Negro exponents of the redeeming Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. On the distance they cover, and the manner in which they travel that road, must depend, to an extent which few among them can imagine, the operation of those intangible influences which are indispensable to the spiritual triumph of the American believers and the material success of their newly launched enterprise. "
Advent of Divine Justice p 34-35
Black Friday will not change. It is the only POTE-only time for us to discuss the most vital and challenging issue and how it affect us while also offering a listening opportunity for all others. Keeping POTE day was the most highly voted item on the survey.
"...As your own analysis shows, there are advantages to sometimes working in multiracial spaces and at other times to spaces for African Americans alone.
" (Universal House of Justice to the U.S. National Spiritual Assembly, March 24, 2019)
Pick your Topic, Your Time, and Tribe
Many topics are of interest to the participants within this space. We have discussed during the survey and during our Reflection Gathering. With decentralized offerings, anyone can choose a topic, a time, and we can offer to the community to those who are interested.
To accomplish this need, and at the same, we will be facilitating the discussions a different way. It was not possible to do it in this space since the majority wish to be online fewer days and fewer hours.
" When God calls a soul to a high station, it is because that soul has capacity for that station as a gift of God, and because that soul has supplicated to be taken into His service. No envies, jealousies, calumnies, slanders, plots, nor schemes, will ever move God to remove a soul from its intended place, for by the grace of God, such actions on the part of the people are the test of the servant, testing his strength, forbearance, endurance and sincerity under adversity.
At the same time those who show forth envies, jealousies, etc., toward a servant, are depriving themselves of their own stations, and not another of his, for they prove by their own acts that they are not only unworthy of being called to any station awaiting them, but also prove that they cannot withstand the very first test—that of rejoicing over the success of their neighbor, at which God rejoices.
Only by such a sincere joy can the gift of God descend unto a pure heart. Envy closes the door of Bounty, and jealousy prevents one from ever attaining to the Kingdom of Abha. No! Before God! No one can deprive another of his rightful station, that can only be lost by one's unwillingness or failure to do the will of God, or by seeking to use the Cause of God for one's own gratification or ambition. No one save a severed soul or a sincere heart finds response from God.
By assisting in the success of another servant in the Cause does one in reality lay the foundation for one's own success and aspirations. Ambitions are an abomination before the Lord. How regrettable! Some even use the affairs of the Cause and its activities as a means of revenge on account of some personal spite, or fancied injury, interfering with the work of another, or seeking its failure. Such only destroy their own success, did they know the truth."
Excerpted from a letter of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to the husband of Mrs. Lua Getsinger, in the book “Lua Getsinger: Herald of the Covenant”
1 . Share your "outward looking" activities.
2. Share what activities you have initiated,
3. Share how you are more engaged in local experiences.
4. Share how what you are learning here is contributing to the
effectiveness of the plans of local or regional institutions or agencies.
From Feast Letter- April 7, 2021 Feast of Jalal (Glory / Majesty)
"which provoked in the hearts of the community of the Greatest Name
• renewed desire,
• a sense of urgency, and
• restiveness to apply the balm of His message to the slow-healing wounds of racism.
"were especially interested in learning about neighborhoods where the work is being carried out with
• a conscious intent to build communities characterized by inclusiveness,
• a frank and loving conversation about race, and
• an effective empowerment of all people―
that is, communities where racial justice and unity will be watchwords in all the activities of the community and in all its institutional decisions.
• Remember the power of humility and a posture of learning as effective means to build bonds of friendship and create environments for frank and loving consultation about race.
• Find practical ways to make freedom from racial prejudice the watchword in every event and occasion connected with the Plan.
• Become more knowledgeable about the history of American race relations, to better understand longstanding realities and how the Faith can address them.
• Develop increasing unity of thought on how we can address the eradication of racial prejudice through the community-building work of the Divine Plan
Learn about this Institution. Kathleen will lead the discussion.
The Association for Baha'i Studies Conference starts tomorrow. Various speakers and academic groups will speak or share from July 24th through August 8th. Registration fees are $0 -$50.
July 24, 2020
There are workshops all day, however our dear Derik Smith will be the opening keynote on Friday at 5pm PST, 8pm EST.
Notable Mention:
Sunday, July 26, 2020
3pm Pacific: Roundtable: What Is Knowledge?: Thoughts from a Bahá’í Working Group in Africana Studies– Anthony Outler, Layli Maparyan, Angelita Reyes, Masud Olufani;
moderator Derik Smith
Friday, July 31, 2020
3pm Pacific: Breaking free of an epistemology of white ignorance – Elizabeth Allen 4pm Pacific: Global health threats in the 21st century: A root cause analysis – Sepideh Taheri
Saturday, August 1, 2020
1pm Pacific: Roundtable: Film & Media – Nwandi Lawson, Nathan Davis, Mark Sisson, Nava Kavelin
4pm Pacific: Keynote: Making a New Reality – Kamal Sinclair
Sunday, August 2, 2020
1pm Pacific: Indigenous Studies Working Group Info session – Tara Nault, Michele McIsaac
You are warmly invited to join us for an online discussion on Considering the Actions of `Abdu’l-Bahá as a Means of Advancing Race Unity, facilitated by Mr. Kiser Barnes and Dr. Jen Chingwe.
This online event will take place on: Saturday, 25 July 2020 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon EST
We look forward to welcoming you to the online presentation of inspiring examples of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s activities for racial unity and to your sharing comments on the unique stories.
Attached is a PDF handout with references to 'Abdu’l-Bahá’s actions in achieving race unity in compilations from the Universal House of Justice and National Spiritual Assembly--recently forwarded by the NSA to the American Community. Please print this document for your use during the discussions.
Meeting Information
Zoom link: https://mahernet.zoom.us/j/97282760278?pwd=WWFFcUFsb3g3QXdiRTF3Q1JZeERGUT09
Password: Bahai-123 Meeting ID: 972 8276 0278
Dial by your location: +1 646 876 9923
“Let them call to mind, fearlessly and determinedly, the example and conduct of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá while in their midst. Let them remember His courage, His genuine love, His informal and indiscriminating fellowship, His contempt for and impatience of criticism, tempered by His tact and wisdom. Let them revive and perpetuate the memory of those unforgettable and historic episodes and occasions on which He so strikingly demonstrated His keen sense of justice, His spontaneous sympathy for the downtrodden, His ever-abiding sense of the oneness of the human race, His overflowing love for its members, and His displeasure with those who dared to flout His wishes, to deride His methods, to challenge His principles, or to nullify His acts.” -- Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 34
The Universal House of Justice has sent yet another letter to the American Bahais. This is unprecedented. Please read at you earliest convenience. We will study as a group 7/23-24, 2020
Many parents are concerned about sending their children back to school during COVID. Willis would like to facilitate that conversation.
During our consultation with Ken Bowers on the Letter to America on July 18, there was a question about who signs and the number of signatures. The letter is under resources for your review.
A real, raw, and relevant presentation about the reality of anti-blackness indoctrination and the urgent call for equity and racial justice interspersed with our original poetry. Click to see the flyer.
Eugene Dixon has recorded this powerful letter to the nation to assist you in digesting it, internalizing the contents, and to put it into action by sharing with your circles.
Eugene Dixon has recorded some of the letters from the Institutions. They can be reached on the Audio Recordings menu page. Thanks Eugene!!!
Eugene Dixon has created an audio recording of the latest feast letter for Kalimat. It mentions both pupil of the eye conferences and offers guidance for inclusion of diverse people in the community's activities. An Excerpt: " If we truly wish to manifest the oneness of humanity and to express the importance to our community life of people of color, we must be extremely careful not to allow the cultural expression of the majority to dominate others. ....Taking African American friends as an example, hundreds of these stalwart believers participated last year in the Pupil of the Eye Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, and again, in late June, via video conference. Both gatherings fortified their desire to further the progress of the Plan in their home communities. This will no doubt occur in a host of ways, but one will assuredly be through holding devotional gatherings drawing on the richness of their spiritual traditions. It would be a wonderful gesture for Local Spiritual Assemblies to encourage these friends ..."
My daughter and I are inviting you to a real, raw, and relevant presentation about the reality of anti-blackness, indoctrination, and the call for racial justice interspersed with our original poetry. You can register here.
As to racial prejudice, the corrosion of which, for well-nigh a century, has bitten into the fiber, and attacked the whole social structure of American society, it should be regarded as constituting the most vital and challenging issue confronting the Bahá’í community at the present stage of its evolution.
invest this problem, which the American believers are still far from having satisfactorily resolved, with an urgency and importance that cannot be overestimated.
must participate in, and lend their assistance, each according to his or her
to the common task of
Whether colored or noncolored, neither race has the right, or can conscientiously claim, to be regarded as absolved from such an obligation, as having realized such hopes, or having faithfully followed such an example.
A long and thorny road, beset with pitfalls, still remains untraveled, both by the white and the Negro exponents of the redeeming Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. On the distance they cover, and the manner in which they travel that road, must depend, to an extent which few among them can imagine, the operation of those intangible influences which are indispensable to the spiritual triumph of the American believers and the material success of their newly launched enterprise.
Let them call to mind, fearlessly and determinedly, the example and conduct of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá while in their midst. Let them remember
Let them revive and perpetuate the memory of those unforgettable and historic episodes and occasions on which He so strikingly demonstrated
To discriminate against any race, on the ground of its being
is a flagrant violation of the spirit that animates the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.
The consciousness of any division or cleavage in its ranks is alien to its very purpose, principles, and ideals. Once its members have fully recognized the claim of its Author, and, by identifying themselves with its Administrative Order, accepted unreservedly the principles and laws embodied in its teachings, every differentiation of class, creed, or color must automatically be obliterated, and never be allowed, under any pretext, and however great the pressure of events or of public opinion, to reassert itself.
If any discrimination is at all to be tolerated, it should be a discrimination not against, but rather in favor of the minority, be it racial or otherwise. Unlike the nations and peoples of the earth, be they of the East or of the West, democratic or authoritarian, communist or capitalist, whether belonging to the Old World or the New, who either ignore, trample upon, or extirpate, the racial, religious, or political minorities within the sphere of their jurisdiction, every organized community enlisted under the banner of Bahá’u’lláh should feel it to be its first and inescapable obligation to nurture, encourage, and safeguard every minority belonging to any faith, race, class, or nation within it.
So great and vital is this principle that in such circumstances, as when an equal number of ballots have been cast in an election, or where the qualifications for any office are balanced as between the various races, faiths or nationalities within the community, priority should unhesitatingly be accorded the party representing the minority, and this for no other reason except to stimulate and encourage it, and afford it an opportunity to further the interests of the community.
In the light of this principle, and bearing in mind the extreme desirability of having the minority elements participate and share responsibility in the conduct of Bahá’í activity, it should be the duty of every Bahá’í community so to arrange its affairs that in cases where individuals belonging to the divers minority elements within it are already qualified and fulfill the necessary requirements, Bahá’í representative institutions, be they Assemblies, conventions, conferences, or committees, may have represented on them as many of these divers elements, racial or otherwise, as possible. The adoption of such a course, and faithful adherence to it, would not only be a source of inspiration and encouragement to those elements that are numerically small and inadequately represented, but would demonstrate to the world at large the universality and representative character of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, and the freedom of His followers from the taint of those prejudices which have already wrought such havoc in the domestic affairs, as well as the foreign relationships, of the nations.
Advent of Divine Justice 1938
Calling upon local and national Bahá’í communities to sponsor a wide range of activities which will engage the attention of people from all walks of life to various topics relevant to peace, such as: the role of women, the elimination of racism, the eradication of prejudice, the promotion of education, the extension of social and economic development, the adoption of a world auxiliary language, the establishment of world government; 23 January 1985 – To all National Spiritual Assemblies
Racism, one of the most baneful and persistent evils, is a major barrier to peace. Its practice perpetrates too outrageous a violation of the dignity of human beings to be countenanced under any pretext. Racism
Recognition of the oneness of mankind, implemented by appropriate legal measures, must be universally upheld if this problem is to be overcome.
October 1985 – To the Peoples of the World
National Bahá’í communities have organized and successfully conducted interreligious conferences, peace seminars, symposiums on racism and other subjects on which we have a specific contribution to make, often achieving widespread publicity and the interest of highly placed leaders of society. Bahá’í youth, inspired and uplifted by the vision and idealism of “the new race of men” have, through their many gatherings, attracted large numbers of their compeers and galvanized their own members to direct their lives towards service in the many fields in which a rich harvest awaits the dedicated Bahá’í worker.
Riḍván 1987 – To the Bahá’ís of the World
Hopeful as are the signs, we cannot forget that the dark passage of the Age of Transition has not been fully traversed; it is as yet long, slippery and tortuous. For godlessness is rife, materialism rampant. Nationalism and racism still work their treachery in men’s hearts, and humanity remains blind to the spiritual foundations of the solution to its economic woes. For the Bahá’í community the situation is a particular challenge, because time is running out and we have serious commitments to keep. Riḍván 1990 – To the Bahá’ís of the World
The concomitant rise of racism in many regions has become a matter of serious global concern. These are compounded by an upsurge in religious fundamentalism which is poisoning the wells of tolerance. Riḍván 1992 – To the Bahá’ís of the World
Racial and ethnic prejudices have been subjected to equally summary treatment by historical processes that have little patience left for such pretensions. Here, rejection of the past has been especially decisive. Racism is now tainted by its association with the horrors of the twentieth century to the degree that it has taken on something of the character of a spiritual disease. While surviving as a social attitude in many parts of the world—and as a blight on the lives of a significant segment of humankind—racial prejudice has become so universally condemned in principle that no body of people can any longer safely allow themselves to be identified with it. It is not that a dark past has been erased and a new world of light has suddenly been born. Vast numbers of people continue to endure the effects of ingrained prejudices of ethnicity, gender, nation, caste and class.
All the evidence indicates that such injustices will long persist as the institutions and standards that humanity is devising only slowly become empowered to construct a new order of relationships and to bring relief to the oppressed. The point, rather, is that a threshold has been crossed from which there is no credible possibility of return. Fundamental principles have been identified, articulated, accorded broad publicity and are becoming progressively incarnated in institutions capable of imposing them on public behaviour. There is no doubt that, however protracted and painful the struggle, the outcome will be to revolutionize relationships among all peoples, at the grassroots level.
April 2002 – To The World’s Religious Leaders
A letter written on the Guardian’s behalf indicated that he did not see any objection to Bahá’í students taking part as Bahá’ís in a protest concerning racial prejudice on campus, since “there was nothing political about it” and “he does not see how they could remain indifferent when fellow-students were voicing our own Bahá’í attitude on such a vital issue and one we feel so strongly about.” 27 April 2017 – [To an individual]
A moment of historic portent has arrived for your nation as the conscience of its citizenry has stirred, creating possibilities for marked social change. It holds significance not only for the destiny of America anticipated in the Sacred Writings, but also for the mission entrusted to your community by the hand of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá, who cherished you dearly and called you to a path of sacrifice and high endeavor. We are pleased to see that, led by your National and Local Spiritual Assemblies, you are seizing opportunities—whether those thrust upon you by current circumstances or those derived from your systematic labors in the wider society—to play your part, however humble, in the effort to remedy the ills of your nation. We ardently pray that the American people will grasp the possibilities of this moment to create a consequential reform of the social order that will free it from the pernicious effects of racial prejudice and will hasten the attainment of a just, diverse, and united society that can increasingly manifest the oneness of the human family.
Sadly, however, your nation’s history reveals that any significant progress toward racial equality has invariably been met by countervailing processes, overt or covert, that served to undermine the advances achieved and to reconstitute the forces of oppression by other means. Thus, whatever the immediate outcome of contemporary events, you need not be deterred, for you are cognizant of the “long and thorny road, beset with pitfalls” described by the Guardian that still lies ahead. Your commitment to tread this road with determination and insight, drawing upon what you have learned in recent years about translating Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings into reality, will have to be sustained until the time, anticipated by Shoghi Effendi, when you will have contributed your decisive share to the eradication of racial prejudice from the fabric of your nation.
Racism is a profound deviation from the standard of true morality. It deprives a portion of humanity of the opportunity to cultivate and express the full range of their capability and to live a meaningful and flourishing life, while blighting the progress of the rest of humankind. It cannot be rooted out by contest and conflict.
It must be supplanted by the establishment of just relationships among individuals, communities, and institutions of society that will uplift all and will not designate anyone as “other”. The change required is not merely social and economic, but above all moral and spiritual.
Within the context of the framework governing your activities, it is necessary to carefully examine the forces unfolding around you to determine where your energies might reinforce the most promising initiatives, what you should avoid, and how you might lend a distinctive contribution. It is not possible for you to effect the transformation envisioned by Bahá’u’lláh merely by adopting the perspectives, practices, concepts, criticisms, and language of contemporary society. Your approach, instead, will be distinguished by
Sadly, however, your nation’s history reveals that any significant progress toward racialequality has invariably been met by countervailing processes, overt or covert, that served to undermine the advances achieved and to reconstitute the forces of oppression by other means. Thus, whatever the immediate outcome of contemporary events, you need not be deterred, for you are cognizant of the “long and thorny road, beset with pitfalls” described by the Guardian that still lies ahead. Your commitment to tread this road with determination and insight, drawing upon what you have learned in recent years about translating Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings into reality, will have to be sustained until the time, anticipated by Shoghi Effendi, when you will have contributed your decisive share to the eradication of racial prejudice from the fabric of your nation. +22 July 2020 – To the Bahá’ís of the United States
Prejudices of all kinds—whether religious, racial, patriotic or political—are destructive of divine foundations in man. All the warfare and bloodshed in human history have been the outcome of prejudice. This earth is one home and native land. God has created mankind with equal endowment and right to live upon the earth. As a city is the home of all its inhabitants although each may have his individual place of residence therein, so the earth’s surface is one wide native land or home for all races of humankind.
Racial prejudice or separation into nations such as French, German, American and so on is unnatural and proceeds from human motive and ignorance. All are the children and servants of God. Why should we be separated by artificial and imaginary boundaries? In the animal kingdom the doves flock together in harmony and agreement. They have no prejudices. We are human and superior in intelligence. Is it befitting that lower creatures should manifest virtues which lack expression in man?
Therefore, the prejudices and bigotries which exist today among the religions are not justifiable, inasmuch as they are opposed to reality. All prejudices are against the will and plan of God. Consider, for instance, racial distinction and enmity. All humanity are the children of God; they belong to the same family, to the same original race. There can be no multiplicity of races, since all are the descendants of Adam. This signifies that racial assumption and distinction are nothing but superstition. In the estimate of God there are no English, French, Germans, Turkish or Persians. All these in the presence of God are equal; they are of one race and creation; God did not make these divisions. These distinctions have had their origin in man himself. Therefore, as they are against the plan and purpose of reality, they are false and imaginary. We are of one physical race, even as we are of one physical plan of material body—each endowed with two eyes, two ears, one head, two feet. Among the animals racial prejudice does not exist. Promulgation of Universal Peace
A rectitude of conduct, an abiding sense of undeviating justice, unobscured by the demoralizing influences which a corruption-ridden political life so strikingly manifests; a chaste, pure, and holy life, unsullied and unclouded by the indecencies, the vices, the false standards, which an inherently deficient moral code tolerates, perpetuates, and fosters; a fraternity freed from that cancerous growth of racial prejudice, which is eating into the vitals of an already debilitated society—these are the ideals which the American believers must, from now on, individually and through concerted action, strive to promote, in both their private and public lives, ideals which are the chief propelling forces that can most effectively accelerate the march of their institutions, plans, and enterprises, that can guard the honor and integrity of their Faith, and subdue any obstacles that may confront it in the future. Advent of Divine Justice
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Prayer call since 2009- (FHU) started in 2019